PostWysłany: Pi± 8:58, 08 Kwi 2011    Temat postu: air max 95 Astragalus Root a Medicinal Pl air max

The combined effects of interferon on cell growth and the immune system has excited scientists enough to conduct research on the value of this natural chemical in the treatment of cancer and immune disorders.
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Astragalus, Immunity and Anti Aging Effects
You may want to add Astragalus root, a powerful medicinal plant to your herbal medicine cabinet. Astragalus root is a perennial plant of the Pea family native to northern China and inner Mongolia.
Astragalus is considered a very effective and inexpensive biological medicine that stimulates the body's own production of interferon.
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners explain Astragalus is a tonic to the spleen, kidneys, lungs and blood. The pharmacological activity of this root extract includes, immune enhancement, anti-viral and anti-ulcer activity, liver protection nike air max 95, anti-cancer, lower's blood pressure, and has diuretic effects.
Remember, it is always advisable to consult with your health care practitioner or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies. According to the web page on Aetna InteliHealth Astragalus may interact with antibiotics, cholesterol-lowering drugs, chemotherapy, central nervous system stimulants, hypnotics, interferon-1, and steroids.
The root extract of this plant is regarded as one of the most valuable tonics in Chinese medicine. Astragalus root air max 95, known as "huang chi" in China, has a warm, pleasant taste and is used as a stimulant, tonic, and diuretic. It is used to increase energy levels and build up resistance to weakness and disease.
This plant is typically combined with other herbs to promote its effects. It is available in a variety of forms, including the dried root, tinctures, tablets and capsules, which can be found in health food stores and pharmacies.
Astragalus is also described as one of the most potent botanical medicines to stimulate the production of interferon within the human body. Interferon is a natural protein that regulates cell growth and can activate or suppress specific components of the immune system.
This root is non toxic and few adverse side effects have been reported. However, occasional allergic reactions such as skin rash, upset stomach have been reported, but no toxicity with long term use has been observed.
The clinical application of Astragalus is based on thousands of years of Traditional Chinese Medicine use and current scientific research. It can be recommended for all types of immune disorders characterized by poor or low immune system function.
Astragalus an Important Herb in China
Some naturopathic doctors indicate Astragalus root is a very good herb that is often used to treat breathing problems cheap Air Max 180, colds and flu. It is also very good for the immune system.
It can also be taken for virtually all viral disorders and other infectious diseases including colds, flu, sinus and ear infection, bronchitis and pneumonia.
In fact, they have long been known to have therapeutic benefits. And for the uninformed, many of the manufactured medicines are plant base.
While herbs are fast becoming a popular medicinal tool with health wise consumers, they are not new to the medicinal remedy scene.
In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners would make a herbal decoction by soaking the Astragalus root in boiling water and drink it like a tea or a soup as Astragalus has many health benefits.
Astragalus is Effective and Inexpensive
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