PostWysłany: Wto 8:13, 08 Mar 2011    Temat postu: China BFSI Outsourcing Summit Kicks Off

The China Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Outsourcing Summit was held at Huaqiao Economic Development Zone, in the east end of Zhejiang's Kunshan,hospitality solution, on October 22.
The focus of the Summit is to analyze the realities and grasp the opportunities of the current construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center. On hand at the opening ceremony were Long Yongtu, Secretary-General of the BOAO forum, Zhang Guohua,Call centre outsourcing, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Ian Mullen Chairman of the International Banking Federation,Mobile solution, and Yin Long, Vice Director of the Department of Supervisory Cooperation for Business Innovation of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Rounds of keynote speeches were made by a series of financial professionals, including Zhu Xiaoming, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai CPCC, who discussed the establishment of the Shanghai International Financial Center and Industrial Environment.
The requirements on the back-office service of the insurance industry were listed by Oliver Bussmann, CIO of Allianz Group (World Top 500). Another World Top 500 N. Asia representative in attendance was Zurich Financial Service's CEO Matthew Reilly, who illustrated the outsourcing practice of Zurich Financial Service in Europe.
Ren Xueyuan, Director of the Managing Committee of Huaqiao Economic Development Zone,Business process outsourcing, delivered a speech on the booming industrial concentration area of the BPO industry.
In between events,healthcare outsourcing, the Annual Report of the China Financial Outsourcing Industry 2009 was released by McKinsey Global and the Huaqiao Financial Outsourcing Research Center. In the afternoon, the organizer also arranged a seminar, round table discussion and summit dialogue.
The day wrapped up with an acknowledgement banquet and 'Huaqiao Evening' reception party held during the evening.
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